May 22, 2017

Persistent Chat Server Colocation

When you go to the main window of Lync, there you are going to find the icon of Chat Rooms which indicates that Persistent Chat has been set up on your organization. In this section you are going to know more regarding what persistent chat is. Persistent chat allows you to create discussion room based on topic which persists over time. It is where you are able to communicate as well as collaborate with some people that have common interest area. Thus, you will be able to share information and ideas by posting some messages in the real time.

Besides, you could also find information and ideas by searching or browsing the history of chat. The messages will be saved and thus, old and new participants of chat room will be able to see all history of chat whenever they want to. With this persistent chat, you are able to search content, create notifications, and create topic filters in order to track the conversation of specific topic on particular room. You could manage and create your chat room as well once you are authorized by Lync administrator of your own.

Referring to the persistent chat discussed, there will be the colocation of persistent chat server as well. There are several components in this server. The first component is one or several computers that run persistent chat server as well as provide the service of persistent chat and compliance chat. Second component is one or some servers that run back-end database of SQL server to host content database of persistent chat in which rooms, categories, and content of chat room are stored. The next component is one or some servers that run back-end database of SQL server to host database of persistent chat compliance in which chat contents and compliance events are stored. This third component is only when compliance has been enabled.

For topology of persistent chat server, there is Standard Edition. If you use Standard Edition, then you will be able to collocate the persistent chat on front end server. It is the most basic and simplest configuration. In this case, you have to ensure that front end server which is existed has sufficient capacity in physical resources including memory, CPU, space, disk, etc. You could also collocate back-end server of persistent chat server and database of persistent chat compliance on local back end-server of SQL server express. You can take the option to use separate server of SQL with dedicated instance as well.