February 2, 2016

The Next Energy Challenge of Computing

Computing always need huge energy for operation need. This triggers energy crisis happening today. Let’s see the past, especially in the 1940s, when a lot of mainframes were supported by extra power vacuum tubes. Imagine if such model is applied on Google data center’s super-computer like ENIAC; how much energy need to power that? It will consume as much as energy for all Manhattan.

Back in 2000s and 1990s, most chip designers said that the chips they created could emit similar amount of heat produced by nuclear power or rocket nozzles. This was a trend and could be multicore for future devices.

Today, virtualization, cooling technologies, and strategies of new data management are implemented. These three things also help paving the use of hyperscale data centers. EBay, the example, can save two million US dollar for data center energy cost. Ebay uses a strategy of changing software in particular applications.

High-speed access of data is the lifecore of global economy. Organizations and businesses can sink or soar depending on their capability of leverage data in achieving a new discover of scientific breakthrough. In addition, they also want to improve their customer service and also gain the market share.

By using data center, the sector construction grows at more than 20 percent a year. Additionally, many countries have implemented carbon-related policies to take a business. Such policies are claimed as common approach to save the energy-use. Next efficiency project will be focused on flash memory and SDS (Software-Defined Storage). The storage becomes a chosen thing to explore since it has existed, especially for virtualization and cloud computing uses. Huge numbers of data centers have been fine-tuned in handling technologies to gain better competence between cooling and existing loads. Storage becomes the last one that’s low-hanging impacts (the first reason). Storage is a generation of transformation. Take a look at primary storage for digital cameras; flash memory, flash memory, and storage of cellular phone are some items which use such similar storage model.